Health & Fitness

Top 10 Best Natural Oils for Hair

Health Fitness Revolution (Houston Fitness Blog) 9/3 1:05A Health Fitness Revolution
Hair damage, especially at the ends, is an inevitable result of our daily activities like washing, exposure to the elements, and exercise. This is because the hair strands farthest from the scalp...

10 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Colorectal Cancer

Health Fitness Revolution (Houston Fitness Blog) 9/1 7:58A Health Fitness Revolution
Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths, affecting millions worldwide. According to the American Cancer Society , around 1 in 20 people will be diagnosed with colorectal...

Top 10 Health Benefits of Wild Salmon

Health Fitness Revolution (Houston Fitness Blog) 9/1 4:00A Health Fitness Revolution
Every fall, millions of salmon journey back from the ocean to the river where they were born. You ve probably seen the slow-motion shots on National Geographic before: a whole river full of jumping...

Top 10 Health Benefits of Lemons and Limes

Health Fitness Revolution (Houston Fitness Blog) 8/31 2:16A Health Fitness Revolution
Lemons and limes don t get the respect they deserve in the nutrition hierarchy. These citrus fruits are usually an afterthought, at best a seasoning, and at worst a purely ornamental garnish. But we...

Top 10 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Health Fitness Revolution (Houston Fitness Blog) 8/30 1:00A Health Fitness Revolution
Know that bottle of apple cider vinegar that sits in the back of your pantry, the one that you bought months ago for one recipe and never used again? Don t throw it out next time you do a deep clean...

Top 10 Benefits of Morning Walks

Health Fitness Revolution (Houston Fitness Blog) 8/29 3:05A Health Fitness Revolution
There are many ways you can live a healthier lifestyle and maintain great and physical and mental wellness. Among the countless exercises you can include in your routine to stay healthy, walking is one of the easiest and most effective, we even...

Top 10 Health Benefits of Playing an Instrument

Health Fitness Revolution (Houston Fitness Blog) 8/29 12:44A Health Fitness Revolution
There’s an abundant amount of research that proves musical activity to be beneficial to both the human mind and body. No matter your age or skill level, playing a musical instrument is a great form of cognitive exercise. The health benefits range...

Top 10 Foods for Relaxation

Health Fitness Revolution (Houston Fitness Blog) 8/26 1:58A Health Fitness Revolution
Sometimes, life gets a little stressful and all we want to do is find an escape to relaxation. Although exercise is always the best way to un-stress and get a boost of endorphins, Health Fitness Revolution and author of the book ReSYNC Your Life...

Top 10 Natural Sources Of Energy To Get You Through Your Workout

Health Fitness Revolution (Houston Fitness Blog) 8/23 11:15P Health Fitness Revolution
We all know her: the one woman who can roll out of bed at 4:45 A.M. every morning to get a full workout in at the gym before work. She always gets in every rep, hits new PRs on the rowing machine every other week, and never complains that she s...
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